
Showing posts from March, 2015

Classes starting tonight at Fairway!

Okey dokey kids, the verdict is in! Starting tonight the 18th we will be having Core Stability Circuit at 7 at the Fairway location. But below is the entire schedule of classes. One at each location. There are three main classes for a total of 6. Total Body Stretch, Core Stability Circuit and Injury Prevention Training. Wednesday 7 pm CSC @ Fairway Thursday 6pm IPT @ Rideout                 7pm CSC @ Rideout ... Friday 9am IPT @ fairway            10:15am Total Body Stretch @ Fairway Sunday 12 pm Afternoon AfterSki Stretch @ Rideout I have already had some feedback about adding in a Sculpt and Tone class. If this is something you would be interested in please leave the feedback with me or on the Parks and Rec website, or you can always call. Full class descriptions and pricing are on the Tahoe City Parks and Rec website ( www.ta...