Fitness classes for all shapes, sizes, needs and accomodations coming soon to the Tahoe City community
I have been in contact with Jeremy, the Recreation Supervisor for the Tahoe City Recreation Center, regarding fitness classes for the entire community, not just gym go-ers. I just dropped off 4 class proposals based on the feedback I have received so far. However, I still want/need your feedback! I want to teach what you want, not just what I want, because let's face it... if you don't show up I don't have a class to teach. And all of you keep me just as accountable for my fitness as I do for your fitness. So with that said, please see the group fitness tab for the proposed classes. These are Spring classes with a March 1st start, running through beginning to mid-May. All of these classes are designed for adults, however young adult considerations could be made for the dance class. I have coached youth sports in the past. Therefore, if you are interested in something for your kid(s) that your school doesn't offer (or even just something for yourself that your gym doe...